Puff the Magic Dragon (film)

"Puff, the Magic Dragon" is a 30 minute animated television film released on October 30, 1978, based on the song of the same name. The title character was voiced by Burgess Meredith. The doctors were voiced by Frank Nelson, Charles Woolf, and Regis Cordic.

It was followed by two made-for-TV sequels, Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of Living Lies (1979) and Puff and the Incredible Mr. Nobody (1982).


The film begins with Puff's narration about a little boy named Jackie Draper who was filled with so much self doubt and fear that he stopped talking altogether. His parents were so concerned that they had three doctors examine him, who said it was hopeless and that little Jackie would never talk again. Jackie returns to his room where sits until he is met by Puff who starts a conversation with him through Jackie's bedroom window. Puff invites himself in and talks to Jackie about inner happiness and pulls out a magic bag and out of the bag he pulls a long sheet of paper which he cuts into a paper doll that is in the shape of Jackie which he dubs as Jackie Paper. He explains Jackie Paper can do anything and then asks he if he could put his happiness into it. After he does so the paper doll version of Jackie comes to life him and puff then begin to make plans to go to Hannalee which located in the sea Jackie admits he is afraid. Puff then instructs Jackie to make a boat which they do with things in Jackie's room. Once they build using string and sealing wax, and the frame of his bed they set out onto the ocean where they meet a passing boat filled with Kings and princes that were in the shape of cards. Afterward Jackie says he was afraid of pirates after hearing about them they then run into Very Long a giant pirate who takes them to his island. While they a wait there fate Puff says that Very Long isn't scary if they got to know him they then view his inner desire with Puff's magic smoke rings which have the power to reveal things hidden. It reveals very long secretly wishes to be a baker on the inside. After finding this Jackie then goes and asks Very Long if he can make pies which Jackie doubts Long could. Afterward they dozens of pies that Long expresses that he always wanted to be a baker, but never believed he could do it and was afraid he couldn't change from being a pirate. Jackie says why not change now which he does and expresses his gratitude to Jackie and Puff. They continue their journey till they reach the star less sky and Puff instructs Jackie to take a small star to the sky with the boat which puff gives butterfly wings. Jackie then returns the star to sky which then brightens the sky. Jackie is rewarded by a medal for bravery by Puff who then tells Jackie that he has now becoming very brave until they reach Hannalee which instead of a happy paradise they find a gloomy place. This was revealed to be the work of living colds that out of depression made the place gloomy to fit their mood. Puff then orders Jackie to leave as this no place for him. After that Puff sadly walks to his cave realizing he wasn't brave enough to defeat the colds. He was then reunited with Jackie who returned with Very Long who brought chicken soup which cured the cold's making them happy. They then return Hannalee to its happy glory by singing. Once it does they then return to Jackie's room and returns Jackie to his body and tells Jackie that thanks his creativity he is now a brave boy and leaves saying he will return to visit. Jackie's parents come into the room to find Jackie happy and talking again which they then hug and express their love to Jackie. The film ends with Puff asking a similar question to the audience that he asked Jackie if they just saw a dragon walk by.

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